Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My Itty Bitty Life

It's a huge assignment. 
And sometimes I feel so small for the task. 
But Jesus didn't think so: He died and rose again for me to have it. 
He absolutely believes that I am enough for every single task, every single encounter, every single valley I enter and every single mountain I am called to scale to make His name known. 
Not because of any good or any power that I alone possess. No. 
It's because He is enough in me. 
When I fully embrace the One the world so desperately needs to know, that is when I so beautifully make Him known. 
Not because I am asking the world to look at me, but because I am so locked in on Him they can't help but see the One who has captured my gaze.
I can only truly represent a heart I fully know. 
That is when I become an ambassador for Christ. 
So today, even when I feel like the tiny and powerless, I will focus my spirit on the only One with power to make me big and bold. He will take my itty bitty and do great big things as I stand surrendered. 
What will my life say about Who He is today? 
 #SimpleTruth to power your day, you life and connect others to His tender grace.

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