Sunday, November 22, 2015

Hello. Goodbye.

This small sign. I almost chose to write different words in this particular chalkboard amidst my Christmas decorations. And even after I made it, I thought, "Oh well, I can change it later."

 But this little sign has had more impact on me over the last 2 weeks than I could have ever imagined.

 I have realized that I have said "hello" to so many things in my life when I should have been saying goodbye. 

The enemy has fear knock at my door? I say hello. Worry rings the doorbell? I say come in. Loneliness asking to come in? I say hello. Unworthiness pounds away? I say hello.

 But why do I struggle so to trust turning my door knob when Jesus sends grace knocking? Comfort? Joy? Confidence? 

Hello. Hello to truth. That is what I need to say, not just in this season, but every season that life brings.

 It seems that a lot of things have been coming to my door lately asking for entrance. 

But what a simple reminder that if it isn't a thought, a word, an attitude, a mindset that brings me straight to the comfort and joy of my Father's heart, then it isn't my Father who is bringing it. 

I never thought I'd use this phrase in a Simple Truth sharing moment, but this is what keeps coming to my mind: 

Bye, Felicia! 

Maybe I need to make that chalkboard too! 

Everyday, we choose- we choose our hellos and goodbyes and therefore open up the home of our hearts or close it off to a multitude of things. 

What are you saying hello to? What are you saying goodbye to? 

May our hellos in every area of our life usher in Holy Spirit truth. And may we have the courage to say goodbye to all that distracts and drains us of His power.

 Bye, Felicia, indeed. 

Hello, Comfort and Joy. 

#SimpleTruth for every season. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

God is Not a Spectator

Some days are slippery and you need truth that is sticky...that holds on to you as you hold tight to it. Today,
as I was digging for this kind of grabby truth, the Holy Spirit led me to these words: 

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8

When God says He will NEVER do a thing, we sometimes glaze past what it truly means. 
He says He will NEVER forsake us. 
This means he will ALWAYS do the opposite of forsaking us: 
harbor, have, hold, keep, redeem, rescue, save, reclaim, adopt, advocate, cherish, defend, favor, maintain, protect, pursue, support, uphold, vindicate. 

It's even more than Him just being present in my life- as if that weren't enough! My God isn't just a spectator as I spin round on this globe. No- He is constantly ACTIVE in my life. 
For me, these words take the blinders off of my limited perspective of God's involvement and investment in every piece and part of my life. 
THIS is His PROMISE for you in the middle of your circumstance. 

That unknown in front of you? 
God has already been there. 
Done that. 
Prepped it for your arrival. 
And now He's walking straight into it WITH you, showing you every step, every leap, every sprint required for Victory. 

Fear is a liar and a power sucker. 
God is Truth and your Power Source. 

Don't be afraid- be amazed. 
Don't be discouraged- be encouraged. His promises will not fail. 

#SimpleTruth for your day. 