
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tender Presence

Tonight, as I had the privelege of entering into the presence of God with an amazing group of women, the Holy Spirit gave me the most precious vision of what was happening in the room.
As we began a time of listening and responding to the Word the Lord had taught us in our time together, I began to hear the tingling of brokenness fill the room. But it wasn't a clamoring was a beautiful sound. Music was made as pieces of our flesh fell away.
I listened to tears that resonated with the reality of His greatness, His goodness, His love, His truth, His freedom.
Strength stood.
Courage moved.
Vessels were broken.
Treasures were reclaimed.
And with treasures in hand, the reality of who He is and who we are not washed over us.

In that moment, the eyes of my spirit were opened to see the unseen, in a way that only the Holy Spirit can.
He wasn't just somewhere in the room.
Standing next to each woman...there He was: the Holy Spirit was tending to them.
He was tending to each one.
He was administering healing and comfort through the tenderness of His presence.
I saw it.
I experienced it.
The Person of the Holy Spirit had each one enveloped, counseling their spirits, healing the wounds of brokenness that are making way for growth beyond imagination.
Overwhelmed is the only way I can describe it.
Beautiful is the picture painted by His presence over us.
Tender. Loving. Gracious.
He was so tender with our spirits, caring for His daughters in a way that only He can, even when He saw every part of the wretchedness we brought.
Oh how He loves!
Gentle, as we begin to walk forward in our healing on new feet, in unfamiliar places, longing for only one thing: to find more of Him.

"He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers lambs in his arms and
carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young."
Isaiah 40:11